Tourist enterprises
1 |
Phone: +995 (790) 41-44-61, +995 (577) 41-44-61
Tbilisi, 37, Chavchavadze Ave.
web contact at sabatravel dot ge
2 |
Phone: 237-44-07, +995 (599) 96-37-03
Tbilisi, 71, Iosebidze Str.
web sameba_tour at yahoo dot com
3 |
Phone: 223-47-57
Tbilisi, 16, Melikishvili Str.
4 |
Phone: 296-91-64
Tbilisi, 9, D. Uznadze Str., II Floor
5 |
Phone: 292-09-70
Tbilisi, 2, Khidi Str.
6 |
Phone: 239-56-57, +995 (595) 35-00-03
Tbilisi, 45, Vazha-pshavela Ave.
7 |
Phone: 247-93-00, 239-92-76
Tbilisi, 15, Tamarashvili Str.
web info at smarttour dot ge
8 |
Phone: +995 (579) 23-22-59
Tbilisi, Saakadze Str., Section 16/77, "Panorama" Business Centre
web carrentgeo at yahoo dot com
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Tbilisi, 0171, Georgia
phone: (+995 32) 2192121