15 January, 2025. Wednesday |
Information technologies
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1 |
Phone: 239-99-65, +995 (595) 92-54-44
Tbilisi, 47, Kazbegi Ave.
2 |
Phone: 238-16-09
Tbilisi, 6, J. Bagrationi Str.
3 |
Phone: +995 (597) 77-40-40
Tbilisi, 2, Kakheti Str.
4 |
Phone: 236-85-42, 236-85-52
Tbilisi, 66, Faliashvili Str.
web info at altasoft dot ge
5 |
Phone: 222-13-55, 222-14-73
Tbilisi, 12/212, Melikishvili Ave.
web office at apex dot ge
6 |
Phone: 237-39-14, 237-35-14
Tbilisi, 12a, Kazbegi Ave.
7 |
Phone: 244-33-39, 244-33-36
Tbilisi, 9, Tarkhnishvili Str.
8 |
Phone: 218-18-06, 218-06-06
Tbilisi, 73, Barnov Str.
web comptown at cta dot ge
9 |
Phone: +995 (591) 22-02-81
Tbilisi, 63, Tsereteli Ave.
web info at creogroup dot net
10 |
Phone: 291-05-10, 234-34-68
Tbilisi, 2, Gafrindauili Str.
web info at delta-comm dot ge
11 |
Phone: 250-95-75, 234-34-68
Tbilisi, 3, 1st lane Kostava Srt., Ap. 25
web contact at delta dot ge
12 |
Phone: 234-34-68, 250-95-75
Tbilisi, 3, Firs Lane Kostava Str.
web contact at delta dot ge
13 |
Phone: +995 (557) 46-40-01
Kutaisi, 36/48 I.Chavchavadze Ave.
web magda at egycoder dot com
14 |
Phone: 251-47-10, +995 (598) 55-14-23
Tbilisi, 2, Dolidze Str.
15 |
Phone: 276-56-16, +995 (599) 41-47-66
Tbilisi, 28, Kalaubani Str.
web greenchpc at gmail dot com
16 |
Phone: 255-57-00
Tbilisi, 47, Tsagareli Str.
web info at greennet dot ge
17 |
Phone: +995 (593) 90-14-44
Tbilisi, Digomi District, Block 4, Building 14, Flat 43
18 |
Phone: 2393349/48
Tbilisi, 41, Vazha-pshavela Ave.
web info at iberinfo dot ge
19 |
Phone: 218-36-25
Tbilisi, 93, Agmashenebeli Ave.
web info at ideadesigngroup dot ge
20 |
Phone: 293-28-35
Tbilisi, 6, V. Beridze Str.
All trademarks and logos are the property of their respective owners
© 2025 ARIS.GE LTD
App #3, 47 Kostava street,
Tbilisi, 0171, Georgia
phone: (+995 32) 2192121
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